Gospel Centered Ministries

Thank you for visiting this site. I hope you are able to find the resources you are looking for related to the the gospel and the Christian faith as you grow in apologetics. Please reach out with a question/topic, if you cannot find what you are looking for, so I can build my library for you. May the Lord bless you as you center on the gospel.

Who We Are

Gospel Centered Ministries exist to point people to the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and help Christians grow deeper in their understanding of the gospel (theology) and in defense of the Christian faith (apologetics).

What We Do

Gospel Centered Ministries provides resources such as articles, books, video links and artwork to argue for the exclusivity of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our prayer is for these resources to help people come to saving faith in Jesus and to help believers become better equipped in the gospel and matters related to the Christian faith (theology and apologetics).

The Joy of Jesus at Christmas

A 31 Day Devotional for December

A perfect gift for the Advent season, The Joy of Jesus at Christmas will help you know Jesus better through His Word, resulting in greater joy! Take advantage of this offer at 33% off Amazon’s price. Contact our ministry for multiple copies and even greater discounts.

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